Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update on family

It's time to provide a little update on the Allen family. I guess I should start with Christmas since that's where I last left off (and I don't have many other pictures from the last few months). One of Kaitlyn's favorite presents was her new craft/art kit.
For awhile now Kelsey has been collecting various kinds of scrap material from old clothes, tights, etc. to make things for her dolls. She was thrilled to get this little sewing kit with several new sewing supplies.

It is true that Ashley is fast approaching the teenage world and was in desperate need for an MP3 player.

It's amazing what kind of smiles emerge after getting into a new pair of warm, cozy pajamas!

We decided to encourage our little boy's penchant for playing with balls. I was excited about the basketball hoop for Justin, but I'm still trying to figure out why Santa would have brought him a University of Utah football.

Now if Justin could just grow a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. A U of U football? Santa probably had a bunch of extra ones laying around since Ute fans mostly just get coal in their stockings.
