Monday, August 24, 2009

Our growing boy

Justin seems to be all smiles these days, especially when he is eating. He must have gotten a little overly excited during this feeding.

Becoming more mobile has opened up an ex iting new world for him, which apparently brings even more smiles.

His excitement also seems to be growing about the prospects of being a pharmacist one day like his daddy. Can you picture our future pharmacist?


  1. He will make a fine pharmacist! He definately has the friendly smile down which is a must!

  2. Have I mentioned how stinkin' cute your little boy is?! It was so fun to get to see him (and of course all the rest of you, too). ;) Super cute boy!

  3. Sherry I love your blog!! I'm so proud of you for doing it!! Woohoo we'll make you a computer-a-holic yet! :) Well one can dream right? You have a beautiful family. Justin is a big lil guy! :) Such a cutie. I never imagined you'd have a child that didn't share your dark features. :) Great to talk to you today!
