We were able to go with a few other families to the lake and enjoy our last Saturday before school started up again. One of the families had a couple of wave runners, which Scot enjoyed taking all of the kids out for rides on. He even got me out there with him. I tried driving one for awhile, but I guess I'm too cautious these days because I actually had more fun holding on for dear life while Scot was driving it.

Justin was in absolute heaven as he played in the sand to his heart's content.

I had not been planning to go on this outing since we do have a five week old baby. But I decided that maybe Joshua would be okay for a little while, as long as we could hang out in the shade. Joshua was completely content sleeping in his car seat and I ended up staying most of the afternoon. It was wonderful to be outside enjoying this fun day with my family.

One of the rare awake moments Joshua had during the day.
Justin's adorable mud-splattered face.